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Hey! Welcome to Sayali's Succulents!

My name is Sayali.

I'm a girl who writes stuff.

These succulents are my experiments with the English alphabet.

I attempt to milk my whirlwind of neuron signals into organized thought.




When I feel like taking a break from mundane life, I write succulents on an assortment of topics. 

(My life isn't as bad as mundane sounds. I'm just trying to be poetic.)


Each piece I write, I call it a 'succulent'. 


I like to imagine it as...

(brace yourself while I ambush you yet again with a poetic metaphor...)


Imagine that my daily routine is like a desert. After walking in it for a long time I find some succulents. The succulents contain water to satisfy my thirst in the scorching heat.


Just like succulents, writing is a refreshing part of my life.

I hope reading my succulents, quenches your thirst too.


Replenish yourself!






PS. If you're wondering... Autocorrect corrected me seven times for writing the wrong spelling of succulents. Umm... make that eight.

I agree. It's a tough one. The spelling.



What are succulents?

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